Illegal immigration
It's interesting how a class on family can relate to politics so much. I am just going to say straight up, I am against illegal immigration. Ben Shapiro Fan... Now I know that angers many people, but I have my own personal opinions and if I was an immigrant I may have a totally different point of view. As someone who has lived in the United states my whole life, I believe in following order and laws, and even if you don't support those laws, you go through the system and elect representatives to change those laws. Instead of breaking those laws on your on terms. Of coarse immigrants can't change laws in another country though. Why would someone in the U.S. be against Illegal immigration. Well i'm not worried about someone stealing my job or anything about being "racist". Making it difficult to become a U.S. citizen protects our rights as U.S. citizens. The reason people want to come to the U.S. is because to be honest, we have it pretty good. If anyone can b...