Illegal immigration

 It's interesting how a class on family can relate to politics so much. I am just going to say straight up, I am against illegal immigration. Ben Shapiro Fan... Now I know that angers many people, but I have my own personal opinions and if I was an immigrant I may have a totally different point of view. As someone who has lived in the United states my whole life, I believe in following order and laws, and even if you don't support those laws, you go through the system and elect representatives to change those laws. Instead of breaking those laws on your on terms. Of coarse immigrants can't change laws in another country though. 

Why would someone in the U.S. be against Illegal immigration. Well i'm not worried about someone stealing my job or anything about being "racist". Making it difficult to become a U.S. citizen protects our rights as U.S. citizens. The reason people want to come to the U.S. is because to be honest, we have it pretty good. If anyone can become a U.S. citizen it loses it's value. Many people wouldn't care to be a U.S. citizen, but people who aren't would wish other wise. From what I know, anyone can enter mexico, but to enter the U.S. you need a passport. Letting anyone into your country may show it's not in the best place. And if the U.S. let everyone in doesn't automatically mean it will turn into mexico. When it comes to making citizenship easier, I think it should, but 12 years waiting for a citizenship is too long. I do believe those who can be U.S. citizenship should after the right legal process.

Now about what effects does this have on family. When the father leaves three years to the U.S. to save up money for his family to come, that is a lot of time they grow apart. Yes, he can call them on the phone and know what is going on in the family, but he is going to miss the social growing that happens in the day to day. I know from my own experience having my father and mother divorce, my father hasn't been in the home. We visit him every week, but he doesn't get mad at us like he use to because maybe he feels like it's not his place anymore. Back to how a father immigrates to the U.S a child may feel they need to take on the roll of the second parent in the home. Many immigrant children have to fill in the roll as second parent and then when they are reunited they don't feel as though it's the fathers place to be parenting them.

I had a friend Yadid, and his family was from mexico. They weren't Illegal immigrants, but weren't exactly full american citizens. So, there are other options to coming to the U.S. not illegally. Why did his family leave mexico? His older brothers friend was held for ransom and then the friend's parents paid the ransom and then then the friend was killed anyways. That was when they realized it was time to head out. In class it was discussed that many immigrants leave mexico to the United states for the american dream, while I have seen in my own life, families had the american dream in mexico of a good paying job, but had to leave over safty reasons. While many illegal immigrants leave mexico to make a better future for their family and put themselves and their family in lots of danger. 

Now what are my thoughts of social class and the family. My own family growing up is about lower middle class. I can't say we we're lower class living in a trailer or homeless, but we also weren't upper middle class, because my parent's were on medicare. We could afford the basic necessities and lot's of fun activities all the time, but I could tell a difference to other families not to sound ungrateful. My family also did pretty good living off medicare and having 7 children in the home. How can your social class effect your family? Well... Sometime your siblings may feel they are of a higher class than you. My brother always seemed to look down on us in embarrassment. He would wave his money in my face. He married into more wealthy family. 

I don't think it matters what social class your'e in as long as you put your family first. Someone in lower class may have a bad relationship with their kids because they got pregnant too early and blame their child for them not being successful in life. While someone in the higher class may never see their kids because they rely on their maid to raise their kids while they go on vacation. My own family was pretty close growing up lower middle class until my parents divorced. So take away is put your family first.


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