Our generation wants to be cool and young forever...

 This week I have wondered why people these days are having fewer children and yes, we did go over the many of the reasons why someone wouldn't have children these days, but I think personally when I want to have children is when i'm done with at school, and married of coarse. I am still a little young to have kids. I'm only 20. For a while Iv'e been thinking about waiting until my late 20's to get married and have children because I always thought I should experience my life as a young adult as I can, because I have the rest of my life to be married and settle down, but I only have so long to be young and free. I first got this Idea from my uncle who asked me what age I want to get married, and I said 24. He told me to take my time, there's no hurry. He didn't get married until he was 28. Although he ended up only having 3 kids compared to my dad who got married at a younger age and had 7 kids. 

So my thinking with this generation we don't want to grow up. Growing up as a kid I couldn't wait to grow up and get married, have kids of my own. I still do of coarse too. Most Americans do get married and have kids in their 30's. Its not a weird thing to do. What is the down side of waiting like my uncle. You may have less kids, and that may be why our church has so many kids is because we get married at a younger age. You may look like your children's grandparents instead of their real parents. You may die before you meet many of your grand children. Those are just some reasons to think about before waiting too long to have children.

To go back on topic of this generation and why they aren't having children, it's true. I really do believe people in this generation don't grow up as fast as other generations, and I feel as like I can say this because I am a lot more mature than many other people my age. Which is pretty sad. It could be they haven't experienced as much trauma as past generations. I guess we've had coronavirus. It's been a pain, but my opinion it hasn't been that traumatizing... This generation has grown up with electronics for so  long we've never had to grow up and have been babied and no baby want's to have more babies because then they'll have to grow up.

Another thing I want to bring up is politics. There's the pro abortion movement. The Pollution movement, so less people means less garbage for the plants and animals. The we will run out of food if there's too many people movement. Some times it gets brought up in movies a women will be debating with her husband (or boyfriend) if she even wants to bring a child into this corrupt world. I just roll my eyes. Just have the baby lady. It's up to you how the child turns out and that's also another risk of life. It may go wrong or it may go bad. But if we just never try because we always assume it will go bad than we will be miserable. In every situation in a movie the women has the baby anyways so she just wants to make it more "dramatic". Anyways, Yes, our politics and media are having an effect on how many children have. I would all those ideas I've mentioned before have been spread for a long time, but I would say the most popular in the media is the young and single trend. This relates to how I felt earlier without even subconsciously realizing it. What iv'e seen is be the cool aunt or uncle who can do what ever they want because they have no children to look after, and also have lots of money. No offense to anyone I know reading this, but the old single adult aunt or uncle people not necessarily related to me aren't that cool. They usually live alone and seem pretty sad...

Anyways what have I learned from this. I'm not going to rush into a having kids, but i'm not going to put it off until later thinking it will happen.


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